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Maravilha do Samba - Carnival CruiseCarnival Cruise


Maravilha do Samba
Samba & Batucada

Maravilha do Samba – High class percussionplayers will bring the carnival from Rio de Janeiro to ”Carnival Cruise 2019”. The group will play together with the international artist Marquinho Sathan from Rio de Janeiro.

Maravilha do Samba was founded in 2004 by sambistas in Stockholm who had for several years played together and collaberated in carnivals and cultural events in Brazil, Sweden, and other European countries. The group is conducted by Claudio Altamirano.

Maravilha do Samba has performed on events such as

• Carnaval Estocolmo 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2019
• Aalborg Carnival
• Helsinki Samba Carnival
• Notting Hill Carnival (London, UK)
• Rix Morron Zoo (RixFM)
• Let’s Dance (TV4)
• Stockholms Kulturfestival
• Midnight run Stockholm
• Så Mycket bättre. (TV4)
• Nyköping Carnival
• Uppsala Culture  Carnival
• Carnival Cruise Stockholm 2014, 2016

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